Category: Noticias

Your “disadvantages” are your greatest strength

“People don't believe in me because I'm too young”, “I won't be successful because I'm too poor”, “I'm too old”, “I don't have studies”, “I'm a single mother”… These are some of the most frequent phrases that I have heard in this industry in all its versions! But in reality, all these points, which the […]

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The difference between leaders and great leaders

It is clear that not all leaders have the same impact and it will be essential that you understand what the greats do if you want to be one of them. So what is it that separates the average leaders from the great ones? One may think it is their ability to communicate or the […]

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Making More Invitations

By Randy Gage A leader I’m working with is doing a 90-day challenge with his team.  They commit to invite at least one person a day to view a presentation.  Campaigns like this can create a lot of practice because they override the procrastination and rejection dynamics.   It’s easy to get fixated on rejection. And […]

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By Randy Gage Maybe the company doesn’t need to change the names of the product categories… Maybe your sponsor doesn’t need to change the way she counsels you… Maybe the company doesn’t have to change the comp plan… Maybe the people in your area don’t have to change the way they view our business… Maybe […]

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The People You Think are Too Big to Be Sponsored

By Randy Gage A director on my front line called to ask if I would accompany him on a one-on-one presentation.  I was kind of surprised, because he had a large group, and hadn’t needed help with a presentation for months.  I asked why. It turns out the guy he was prospecting was the CEO […]

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The 3 Options You Should Be Offering in Every Presentation

By Randy Gage There are some people who will never be candidates for your business.  The benefits of the business simply don’t appeal to them and the lifestyle they seek.  And among the people who are candidates for your business, there are two distinct categories: Those that are looking for a part-time side-gig to earn […]

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