The Secret of Retention


By Randy Gage

One of the biggest challenges we face today in our profession is retention.  We live in a microwave society and people want everything now.   But our business is really a two- to four-year plan.  So how do you keep your people in during the meantime?

Events are a big part, as you want to keep your team focused.  A weekly local event like leadership academies produce strong results in this area.  And then of course, the major events like rallies and conventions that are done two to four times a year.  Events build belief in a way that can’t be attained any other way.  People who believe in the business stay in the business.

Another important element is creating the right mindset from the very beginning. I ask everyone who I enroll to make a one-year commitment to me.   Don’t look left, don’t look right, just swim in your own lane, follow the system, and trust the process. When people do this and then conduct an honest evaluation after a year, most will see that they would be crazy to quit and lose the customers and distributors they’ve developed.

Work hard to get them to a “tipping point” where their product consumption, self-development, and major event investments are covered by their income.  Once you get them here. You’ll keep them forever.

And it goes without saying, but won’t, praise, recognition, and celebration!  Celebrate their first presentations, rank advancements, and other accomplishments all along the way.

Great news: A new episode of “Chopping It Up with…” just went live.  I chat with powerhouse Ann Feinstein in a wide-ranging discussion on success routines, the future of social media recruiting, working with a spouse, the differences between men and women entrepreneurs, intermittent fasting, 5 pillars for everyday life, building in wartime, and the crazy way some companies hamper their distributors’ ability to grow. Not to mention some incredible stories about taking helicopters to castles in France, my addiction issues, and surviving life in a blender cult!  Watch it here.

Also, a quick reminder: You can benefit from A LOT of the new resources here on  Here’s a brief rundown:

Network Marketing Times Newsletter

It’sfree and packed with helpful biz building tips. Sign up at the top of the home page on  

The MLM Boot Camp

A free 3-week “survival training” to learn the success skills you’ll need to build a large team. Sign up here.

MLM Confidential newsletter

A monthly digest on how to build stronger duplication, become a better leader, and discover what’s happening in other companies and the industry as a whole. Subscribe here.

The Duplication Nation MLM Pod

We’ve taken the “Chopping It Up” episodes from the YouTube channel and made audio shows so you can listen while you jog or walk the pooch.  It’s available on AppleSpotifyAnchor, and Google Podcasts.

Keep building your dreams,

- RG

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