MLM Financial Freedom Album

How to Transform Your Bonus Checks into a Wealth-Building Machine

Presented by:
Randy Gage & Jaime Lokier

Randy & Jamie

A special Album for network marketing leaders on the best ways to work your money to create financial security, led by the legendary team of Jaime Lokier and Randy Gage. They will reveal the reasons why many high-level income earners are actually broke, and the foolish mistakes that cause this sad reality. 

You’ll discover the savvy ways to deploy your bonus check so that you’re using one portion to live a prosperous lifestyle, a second portion to grow your business, and a third portion putting your money to work making you more money.

You’ll learn how to leverage your leverage!

The program will be an album about financial intelligence, where we will teach step by step the principles that allowed us to invest in what really brings growth and create true fortune.

In this no-nonsense, information-dense, truth-bomb program you will discover:

This program is appropriate for all levels of distributors and would also be helpful for corporate executives.

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277 $

Note: Groups of people from the same company are entitled to reduced tuition.  For 2-9 people the investment is only $247 each, and for groups of 10+ it is only $197 each. For group registration, email [email protected]

Jaime Lokier is one of the most renowned Spanish-speaking leadership experts. In 2008 he built a team of more than 50,000 people, which led to him creating the consulting firm Multinivel en Serio. Whether you’re a distributor, director, or owner of the company – if you want to take your network to the next level, Jaime is the person you’re looking for. He is the author of the best sellers Leadership Networks, Leaders Die, Movements Don’t, and the just released, A Leader is Born. Additionally, he is the founder of Cumbre de Líderes, the leading network marketing training event held in Spanish.

Jaime Lokier

Randy Gage is a true American success story, going from a high school dropout to immense wealth.  He is a network marketing icon who has arguably trained more millionaires in the business than anyone on Earth.  Randy teaches from real world experience, having built a team of more than 200,000 people across 50 countries. He is the author of 15 books on prosperity and success, translated into more than 25 languages and is the founder of the Power Prosperity Podcast. 

Randy Gage

Note: This is not investment advice.  Randy and Jaime are not accountants, financial planners, or investment advisors.  (In fact, Randy was expelled from high school.) To obtain advice and guidance in those areas, you should engage a qualified professional.  During this album Randy and Jaime will be sharing their insights on how to live by the principles of prosperity, unleash the power of leverage, and put your bonus check to work in the ways that best will propel you toward financial freedom.  Both came from limited means, earned a lot of money in network marketing, and leveraged it to become wealthy.

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